mandag den 2. august 2010

Space Invaders Against Speciesism

Since I've now seen "Space Invaders Against Fascism", "Space Invaders Against Racism", "Space Invaders Against Sexism" and "Space Invaders Against Transphobia" I thought it was about time there was a "Space Invaders Against Speciesism", which, incidentally, also makes more sense in the context of space invaders. (species difference)

Please print, use, copy and distribute incessantly, wherever you please.

Let me know if you want them in fx. .ai or .pdf for personal modification.

Three different versions:

Plain version.
Plain with "We Come In Peace" added, indicating a hope that members of the human species will also decide to come in peace in their encounters with other animal lifeforms in the future.
Plain with "We Come In Peace" added, indicating a hope that members of the human species will also decide to come in peace in their encounters with other animal lifeforms in the future.
Also added "Go Vegan Today" to clarify the intent. Could it be expressed in a better way or is it overkill entirely?
The reasons for the different versions is varying degrees of clarifying the message.

About the link: I wanted to link to an informative, abolitionist resource, so decided on abolitionistapproach. I also considered . The problem with AA is that it does not contain "vegan" in its name, which would otherwise at least indicate the intent if you got up close to the sticker.

Suggestions welcome!

Other "Space Invaders Against X" images: